VCLI a universal Veeam CLI

VCLI is a tool that I have been developing for a while which allows you to run API commands on almost all of the Veeam products.

The supported APIs are:

  • VBR
  • VB365
  • VB Azure
  • VB AWS
  • VB GCP
  • VONE

It is written in Go so it is provided as small, portal binary with all dependencies included. Python is a great language and one I use often, but dependency management can be a pain.

By why?

I wanted a way to get data from APIs with little setup or having to write a specific script to get the data.

I know that a lot of people are very familiar with various tools to get data from APIs so this tool may not be for you. It’s not meant to be a replacement for any current tools, just another tool for the kit bag.

Currently the tool only allows for GETS, but I am working on adding in POST and PUTS. I doubt that I will be adding DELETE as I don’t see any good coming from that.


VCLI is pretty simple and only dumps out the data to either JSON or YAML. If you want to do more with the tool I suggest looking at

Nushell is a new approach to a shell which focuses on manipulating structured data which works brilliantly for data coming back from APIs.

I suggest that you try out both VCLI and Nushell for yourself and let me know if you like it and you can suggest any improvements.